Biotest's Classic Meal Replacement Supplement makes a comeback to help you supplement your bodybuilding diet with protein and carbs.
Biotest's Product Description:
When Biotest originally introduced GROW! in 1998, it quickly gained the reputation as being the highest quality, best tasting, full-bodied MRP ever developed. Consumers everywhere fell in love with the delicious flavours and creamy mouth-feel that GROW! provided. GROW! soon became a classic with athletes and health-conscious people everywhere.
Then in 2001, due to a shortage in one of the ingredients, we were forced to take the original GROW! formula off the market, leaving the low-carb version as our only MRP. Even though Low-Carb GROW! provides the same high-quality proteins and delicious taste, many consumers still wanted a traditional MRP that contained ample amounts of carbohydrates.
Well now it's back! The inclusion of 23 grams of carbohydrates per serving, as well as increased concentrations of casein, make Classic GROW! a perfect food source for athletes who are undergoing intensified training in order to substantially increase lean muscle mass.
Well, now it's back! Once again, you can experience what many believe is the best MRP in the world — Classic GROW!
Are You Starving Results Away?
Scientists estimate that intense exercise increases protein requirements by as much as 200% over the recommended daily allowance (RDA). And if you don't compensate with increased protein intake, training results can be reduced significantly. Okay, so what does this all mean, and how does it translate into real-world results?
Here are the facts:
Researchers found that individuals who consumed a very specific blend of proteins derived from whey and casein lost 400% more fat and gained 280% more muscle than those who got their protein from regular foods. Both groups were on the same exercise program, and both groups ate a reduced-calorie diet, but results wer...